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Located on the Delaware/Maryland State line of Fenwick Island DE/Ocean City, MD

Why Store Summer Gear in Storage?

The lazy days on the beach are coming to an end and that means you need a place to store your summer gear. If you need a local storage unit in Fenwick Island DE, our storage facility on Lighthouse Road is ready to help you. Not only are we your ideal self storage facility in Fenwick Island DE, our experts also have a few solutions for the families preparing for back to school season. Make Fenwick Island Self Storage your local storage solution and home organization resource.

Local Storage Fenwick Island DE

Useful Tips for Organizing School Gear

  1. Labels will help water bottles and lunch boxes return to the rightful owner. Between the bus and classroom, these items can get mixed up.
  2. Set aside a drawer for kids to lay out their clothes and choose outfits ahead of time.
  3. Make packing lunches easier with a bin stocked with the kid’s favorites.
  4. Keep an extra bag of pencils and standard school supplies in the car in case someone forgets their case.
  5. Create a homework station at home stocked with all the tools students need to complete their work right after school.

Summer Storage: How to Pack Beach Items

  1. Shake out sand and clean towels before storing for the cooler months.
  2. Drain and clean coolers. Leave the lid open to keep moisture out.
  3. Label the shelf or boxes with items being stored. This will help you find your summer items come spring.
  4.  Drain the gas tank before storing the lawnmower.
  5. Suspend canoes and kayaks off the floor with a shelf for these types of personal boats.

Local storage in Fenwick Island DE is your home for each season’s belongings. Stop by to see our storage units available or make your selection online.